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Welcome to St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, serving the Clinton Hill/Bedford Stuyvesant community since 1836. We are located at 230 Classon Avenue, on the corner of Classon and Willoughby Avenues. Please worship with us on Sunday at 10:30 a.m. and on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. Our church and the parish house are both accessible to persons with disabilities.

St. Mary’s is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island, which comprises the four counties on Long Island. The Diocese of Long Island is part of The Episcopal Church and the worldwide Anglican Communion, 80 million Christians around the globe.

Our landmark church building dates from 1859, and our new parish house was completed in 2023. We host a clothing pantry serving thousands every year, and 12-step meetings and other community events.

For a pickup of clothing and shoes you wish to donate, please call St. Mary's Clothing Drive at 718-529-6070.


Lenten Bible Study

Beginning March 12
11 a.m.
(following the 10 am service)


Lenten Stations of the Cross   




Friday, March 28 

 Friday, April 4

Friday, April 11


Holy Week & Easter Service Schedule 2025



Sunday April 13

10:30 am Palm Sunday with Procession

4 pm Palm Sunday Spanish-language Mass


Monday April 14

7 pm Evening Prayer


Tuesday April 15 

7 pm Evening Prayer


Wednesday April 16 

10 am Holy Eucharist, followed by Bible Study

7 pm Healing Service



April 17 Maundy Thursday

7 pm Holy Eucharist with the Washing of the Feet



April 18 Good Friday

12 pm – 3pm  Three Hours of Devotion

7 pm Good Friday Liturgy



April 19 The Great Vigil of Easter

7 pm We will be in partnership with other churches in the Deanery




April 20 Easter Sunday

10:30 am Holy Eucharist followed by an Easter Egg Hunt

There will be no 4 pm Mass


Give to St. Mary's
St. Mary's Welcomes Your Gifts of Time,
Talent, and Treasure

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver."
2 Corinthians 9:7



To make a donation to St. Mary's Episcopal Church please use Zelle and send your contribution to the following email address:

Mail a Check

Send your check payable to:

St. Mary's Episcopal Church

230 Classon Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 11205-1441





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